# Have an option to set the cwd See https://github.com/jerrysu/gulp-rsync for "inspiration". Basically you want to be able to call rsync from an arbitrary location, but tell it to use another location as its "root". # Reply I hope I full understand this request, but here goes. This library is intended to provide easy access to the rsync command and to features rsync provides. It is not inteded to provide abstractions or introduce new "features". The use case for this request (and from what I read in the `gulp-rsync` documentation) should be done outside the library and can be achieved with regular node/javascript. Generating an rsync command that is location agnostic (can be called from any location) should be done by specifying the complete path to the source(s). If this needs to be done dynamicly the `path` module and `__filename`/`__directory` globals can be used to do this: Rsync.build({ source: [ path.normalize(__directory + '../../the_source_directory/') ] }); If more sources need to be prefixed the `Array.prototype.map` function can be used: function prefixPath(source) { return path.normalize('/the/full/path', source); } Rsync.build({ source: [ 'file1', 'file2', 'fileN' ].map(prefixPath) }) I'm reluctant to add this to node-rsync because it diverges from features rsync provides.